GepettoApp program description
Last updated program description
Last updated
This is the gui program that user interacts with. Its layout and buttons etc are desinged with the Qt Designer program. After designing backgroud of the program, logic part are written in python.
Here is the window and the numbered interfaces:
Drawing Area, motors and frame points will be drawed here, 600x600 pixels
Motor 2 horizontal distance input from motor 1. (motor1 is defined as origin of x=0, y=height)
Motor 3 distance from motor 1 input
Motor 4 distance from motor 1 input
Height of the motors (Assumed all are level)
Combination input
Background drawing button, after inputs, motors are draw proportional to distance inputs. The inputs are saved when pressed to this button. Saved inputs location "config.txt"
Import Last Values, if you drew with (7) before, pressing this will load inputs from config.txt
Frame Duration, after placing points for each frame you give a time input
Next Frame, after finishing each frame press this button
Clear Frame, clears current frame points
Clear All, clears all frames
RTH, return to home, places frame points at the starting point of each path
Done, button to finish program after all frames are given, writes to txt file all the points and durations
Warning and status texts, depending on the clicks or press, messages you about the number of frames and points, error messages etc.
Here is the background drawn and points added version of the program:
This whole process are written in a class class GepettoApp(QWidget)